
PRESS RELEASE: Fitchburg City Councilors Endorse Gifford for Congress

July 11, 2018

LOWELL—Rufus Gifford, Democratic candidate for Congress in Massachusetts’ 3rd District, today welcomed endorsements from Beth Walsh and Amy Green, both Fitchburg City Councilors.

Fitchburg Mayor Stephen DiNatale endorsed Gifford earlier this week. Gifford will appear at a public event with DiNatale, Green, and Walsh tonight at 5:30 p.m. at 805 Main Street, Fitchburg.

“I am proud to endorse Rufus Gifford for Congress,” said Walsh, who represents Ward 6 on the City Council. “Rufus has very impressive national and international experience, but he also understands our local issues—and that’s an important combination. He will be a great advocate for Fitchburg and the District.”

 Rufus is the right candidate for Fitchburg,” said Green, who represents Ward 1 on the City Council. “He is a positive candidate with an optimistic policy agenda and that’s what we need in our politics. He’s spent the most time getting to know us in Fitchburg, and will be the best fighter for us in Washington.”

These endorsements mean the world to me, and I am so thrilled to have Amy and Beth officially on Team Rufus,” said Gifford. “They are true public servants, trying to make their community better off, and I will always fight for the same alongside them.”

In addition to Mayor DiNatale’s endorsement, Gifford previously received endorsements from State Representative Stephan Hay (D-Fitchburg) and Chair of the Fitchburg Democratic City Committee Patricia Vacca Martin.

Gifford’s campaign is the first and only campaign to open an office in Fitchburg.